I've lost my library item....what do I do?


When library users lose an item (books, DVDs, etc.), contact the library for replacement costs.

Replacement costs will be added to a student's account or will be invoiced directly to a faculty/staff member. For long-overdue items that have been declared lost, library staff will place replacement fees on the student's account as well as a hold on their library account. Charges will be reversed if the item is returned. 

If a user loses a PALShare item (item borrowed from our consortium partner), the library will be charged $75 for replacement, which will then be forwarded on to the user to recover costs.

If a user loses an interlibrary loan (item borrowed from another library outside our consortium), the loaning library will determine the replacement fee. 

We cannot reverse charges for charged PALShare or interlibrary loan items. 


For more information, see our guide on replacement fees



  • Last Updated Jul 07, 2022
  • Views 169
  • Answered By Edward Mandity

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