How long does ILL delivery usually take?


It depends on several factors. If it's a physical item coming from an Indiana library it could generally be 2-5 days. If it's from out of state it could be much longer (up to two weeks), depending on the distance and the workload of the lending library.

Conversely, for article requests the waiting time for delivery (usually by email) is much shorter than for physical items, typically 2-3 days. 

The library can borrow the following items: 

  • Physical books

  • Physical media

  • Electronic or print copies of articles

  • Electronic or print sections/chapters from books

Unfortunately, we are unable to borrow the following items:

  • Entire e-books

  • Streaming audio and video

  • Material on reserve in the library

  • Textbooks and required readings used in classes


  • Last Updated Jul 07, 2022
  • Views 82
  • Answered By Edward Mandity

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