Why can't I access library resources?


Occasionally, users will experience difficulty accessing library content when away from campus. There could be several reasons for this, so here are some guidelines to follow when access to resources is not working.

  • Access is restricted to current MU students, faculty, and staff.
  • Make sure that database access is directly from our website, LibGuides, or our A-Z database page. Marian University users need to start from these locations, which will direct to a login prompt for current MU credentials (the same ones used for accessing email) from off-campus.
  • As of Aug. 4, 2022 the login username will be one's MU email address. 
  • Make sure that the credentials are current. Occasionally, credentials will need to be updated after a period of inactivity. Credentials can be updated by contacting the Marian University Helpdesk, by calling 317-955-6444 or helpdesk@marian.edu or reset your password
  • Clear or delete your web browser's cookies and cache. This will often reset the settings for off-campus login on your browser, and subsequent login attempts will prove successful.
  • If accessing content from a non-Marian University employer's device, there may be restricted settings preventing access to web content. Contact your employer to determine if these restriction settings are in place for your device.   
  • Do not attempt to access library resources from a virtual private network (VPN). It is unnecessary and will result in a negative feedback loop, preventing access to resources. All that is required are valid credentials. 

If problems persist, users are encouraged to consult a librarian at librarystaff@marian.edu for assistance in troubleshooting access issues. 

  • Last Updated Aug 03, 2022
  • Views 174
  • Answered By Edward Mandity

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