Can I check out books from other institutions?
This pertains to those who have a Marian ID.
You can check out books from a number of other academic institutions in Indiana via a few routes. One way is by filling out an application and getting an ALI (Academic Libraries of Indiana) card, which lets you check out books from participating academic libraries.
To obtain an ALI card, fill out an application form, or go to the Libguide, which includes more information. After completing the application, bring it to the front desk at the library along with your university ID. Information about participating libraries can also be found in the application document.
To borrow from other institutions in Indiana, the borrower needs a signed ALI Borrower's Card from the home institution library, campus identification, and a photo ID with a current address, such as a driver's license.
Another route is to check out books from libraries in our consortium, PALNI, using your Marian ID. Here is a link to a list of PALNI libraries.
Alternatively, you can request an item not owned by Marian through interlibrary loan and you can pick it up at the circulation desk once it has arrived. See the FAQ entry "How do I place a hold on an item?" for more information, or contact If you got an item through interlibrary loan, you may pick it up and return it at Marian. However, you must return items that you got with your ALI card to the institution you borrowed them from, not Marian.