What EKG / ECG (Dubin) book titles do we have access to in electronic and print?


There is always a lot of interest in EKG books from all Health Professions students. We have several EKG/ECG books in both Print and Electronic.

By far the most popular EKG book that is used in the medical school and graduate level nursing curriculum is Rapid Interpretation of EKG’s by Dale Dubin. Most commonly referred to as the Dubin text or sometimes the Dubin EKG text. We have this in Print and Electronic.

 In the catalog the Dubin EKG text official title is “Rapid Interepretation of EKG’s : a programmed interactive text"…. be assured that this Dubin EKG text we have in the catalog is exactly what they need!

Other than the catalog link, students can find access to all EKG/ECG texts here.

The Print Dubin texts at the library get checked out every semester very quickly. The electronic Dubin text is via the R2 platform and we have a limited number of licenses for this text.

We have other EKG/ECG texts as well – these “sometimes” get asked for but not very often and most often the students are not happy with a substitute but please offer. However, I have several places to quickly find the EKG/ECG texts listed for you. On the medicine page under Ebooks there is entire section of these texts and this is replicated in the Clerkship Page for Cardiology.

  • Last Updated Aug 01, 2023
  • Views 117
  • Answered By Chris Bishop

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