Finding Peer Review -- Health Professions Nursing Exercise Science Biomedical Sciences COM

Finding "Peer-Review"?

WHAT ARE Peer Reviewed articles?

Scholarly articles - Peer Review - Academic - Refereed articles -- these pretty much all mean the same thing -- which is they are papers that describe a research study.

3 Minute Video on Peer Review in the Health Sciences


  • Pubmed@Marian and CINAHL are the most popular databases for Nursing Students to search.

  • When searching CINAHL you can run your search and the "Filter" to only Peer Reviewed articles. Watch this 1 minute video.

  • When searching Pubmed you are most likely selecting a citation that is Peer Reviewed but there are citations that are in Pubmed that are not and referring to the below criteria may be needed. Additionally there is no "search filter" in the Pubmed database that can only retrieve Peer Reviewed articles.


    Most of the other library's databases contain scholarly articles, either exclusively or in combination with other types of articles. 

  • Lastly you can search Google Scholar@Marian. Google Scholar is a "scholarly" subset of a typical Google search. The results will indeed be "scholarly" however Google's definition of "scholarly" will be very very broad and you must utilize the below criteria for identifying Scholarly articles found in Google Scholar.


  • They are usually fairly lengthy - most likely at least 5-10 pages
  • The authors and their credentials should be identified, at least the company or university where the author is employed
  • There is usually a list of References or Works Cited at the end of the paper, listing the sources that the authors used in their research


  • Last Updated May 13, 2021
  • Views 52
  • Answered By Chris Bishop

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